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Advanced Game Programming

Tarkista kohderyhmä!

Enrolment has ended. More information about next enrolment will be announced later. The main objective is to have a deeper understanding of the structure and functionality of a game. The student who completes the course has skills to implement complex games from a technical perspective, taking advantage of a game engine. The student should also have understanding and skills to use advanced programming concepts (software design principles) like SOLID principles, game programming patterns and practices. Basically, to understand how to efficiently use the programming language and clean code in unison with a game engine to create extendable (maintainable) games and game structures.

Opintojakson toteutus: 08.01.2024 - 20.05.2024

Ilmoittautumisaika: 13.11.2023 - 10.12.2023

Kurssi: HTGP0270

Järjestäjä: Jamk Jamk

Kenelle: ammattiin opiskelevalle, yliopisto-opiskelijalle

Rajattu: You need to posses intermediate skills in game programming and game engines as well as understanding of the Object-Oriented Programming paradigm

Game Engine 3

Enrolment has ended. More information about next enrolment will be announced later. The main object is to understand the basics of the new game engine, and becoming capable of creating simple games with the engine by porting an existing game from another game engine. Based on the students experience and knowledge with earlier game engines, the steps are taken to teach differences between the engines and provide such a transition that earlier learning can be taken in advantage.

Opintojakson toteutus: 08.01.2024 - 20.05.2024

Ilmoittautumisaika: 13.11.2023 - 10.12.2023

Järjestäjä: Jamk Jamk

Kenelle: ammattiin opiskelevalle, yliopisto-opiskelijalle

Game Testing

Enrolment has ended. More information about next enrolment will be announced later. After completing this course you will be able to design and implement game production specific testing and quality assurance overall. You can divide the game into different levels and you can design the testing to meet these levels. You can utilize different types of testing techniques to design test cases. You can utilize your possible customers for testing purposes and use proper tools to collect data about the level of quality.

Opintojakson toteutus: 08.01.2024 - 20.05.2024

Ilmoittautumisaika: 13.11.2023 - 10.12.2023

Laajuus: 5 OP

Järjestäjä: Jamk Jamk

Kenelle: ammattiin opiskelevalle, yliopisto-opiskelijalle

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